Multimodal Transport amidst Deglobalization Trends

June 6 – 7, 2024
Universidad del Mar, Huatulco, Mexico

The growing need for more efficient cargo and passenger transport systems and a healthier environment imply a shift of paradigm in mobility, transport, and logistics. Intermodal transport takes advantage of the strengths of different transport modes in one integrated transport chain, thereby improving efficiency and economic performance of the system. Enhancement of both network sustainability and resilience is an important criterion to explore trade-offs associated with intermodal freight and passenger transport. Scientific knowledge needs to be allied with further technical and economic studies to overcome barriers such as insufficient interconnectivity, lack of cooperation and competition between the modes, as well as the need for harmonized security and safety procedures. This conference aims at bringing together talented researchers and industry practitioners from around the world to discuss and stimulate the exchange of ideas that can address problems in multimodal transport of passenger and freight and a special focus is put on maritime transport as currently worldwide there is a serious concern on how to address the disruption in the supply chain of goods with the increase of inequality.

Authors are welcome to submit their contributions to the following, but not limited to areas such as:

  • Transport Policies
  • Multimodal cargo and passenger transport
  • Multimodal transport in developing and emerging countries
  • Operational research in multimodal transport and heuristics
  • Changes in methods for freight movement and delivery
  • Methods for travel delay reduction
  • Human behaviour in transport
  • Synchromodality and sustainability in logistics
  • New technologies for design, construction, operation and maintenance of transport infrastructure
  • The use of big data, ML or AI in transport analytics and safety improvements
  • Telecommunications and energy management in multimodal Transport
  • y muchos más

Paper deadlines and requirements:

The congress encourages researchers and practitioners to submit their original contributions in the form of:

  • Full paper, (max 8 pages); peer-reviewed; accepted for presentation; published in the Congress proceedings; considered for journal publication.
  • or Extended Abstract of 1 page including the objective, methods and conclusions; however, upon acceptance, the authors are required to submit the full paper by the camera-ready deadline.

Instructions, information, submission forms, and procedures are available on the MULTILOG 2024 website. Each accepted contribution requires a paid registration.

Paper templates are here:

Word Template ……………….. LATEX Template

and submission instructions are available HERE

Important dates:

MULTILOG Conference 2024: 6-7 June 2024

Extended abstract/ Full paper submission deadline: 31 MARCH 2024 12 April (extended Deadline)

Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2024 25 April

Camera-ready paper submission deadline: 10 May 2024

Early bird registration deadline: 10 May 2024

Last call for registration deadline: 31 May 2024REGISTRATION CLOSED

Proceedings and journal opportunities:

All accepted full papers will be included in the Multilog Congress 2024 proceedings; outstanding papers will be invited for submission to one of the journals affiliated with the MULTILOG Conference 2024::
– Computers and Industrial Engineering
-Simulation Notes Europe
– SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
– Case Studies on Transport Policy

Selected papers can also be submitted in an extended form as a book chapter for the new volume of Applied Simulation and Optimization 3: New applications in Logistics, Industrial and Aeronautical Practice, to be published by Springer.

Conference Board:

General Chairs:

Dr. Miguel Mujica Mota, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, EUROSIM President

Dr. Juan Meraz, Universidad del Mar, Campus Huatulco

Program Chairs:

Prof. Idalia Flores , UNAM

Dr. Abdel Makhloufi, Urban Tech Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Edgar Possani, ITAM- Autonomous Mexican Institute of Technology

Dr. Jorge Ochoa, Universidad del Mar, Campus Puerto Escondido

Dr. Jenaro Nosedal, Universidad de las Americas Puebla

Scientific Committee:

Dr. Miguel Mujica Mota, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Dr. Juan Meraz, Universidad del Mar, México

Dr. Paolo Scala, FEDEX EUROPE

Dr. Edgar Possani, Technological Institute of Mexico, Mexico

Dr. Amir Ghasemi, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Prof. Adriano Solis, York University, Canada

Dr. Antonio Padovano, University of Calabria, Italy

Dr. Bogusz Wisnicki, Scezin Maritime University, Poland

Dr. Emanuel Merchan, TSI, Latvia

Prof. Alejandro DiBernardi, University of La Plata, Argentina

Dr. Abdel El Makhloufi, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Dr. Vasco Reis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Dr. Alejandro Murrieta, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Dr. Antonella Petrillo, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy

Dr. Sofia Kalakou, ISCTE Business School, Portugal

Dr. Susana Casy Tellez Ballesteros, UNAM, México

Dr. Darren Ellis, Cranfield University, England

Dr Sanja Lazaronova Molnar, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Dr. Jenaro Nosedal, Universidad de las Americas Puebla, México

Dr. Rodrigo Romero Silva, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Msc. Angel Orozco, International Airport of Mexico

Dr. Luis Martin Domingo, Ozegyn University, Turkey

Dr. Richard Wu, New SouthWales University, Australia

Prof. Ashish Verma, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Prof. Miquel Angel Piera, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Idalia Flores, UNAM, México

Prof. Jorge Luis Garcia Alcaraz, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juarez, México

Dr. Jorge Ochoa, Universidad del Mar, México

Dr. Geoffrey Scozzaro, ENAC, France

Dr. Edgar Jimenez, Cranfield University, UK

Dr. Mohammad Dehghani, Northeastern University, USA

Dr. Ricardo Torres, UNAM, México

See the full list here