VESS OCt 30 Piera

Dr. Miquel Angel Piera is a full-time Professor and senior researcher at the Logistics and Aeronautics Unit of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain. He had been the director of the Aeronautical Management degree at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He holds a Ph.D. in informatics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and an MSc. in Control Engineering at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. He is the former coordinator of the Spanish Modeling and Simulation group of CEA-IFAC. In the last 15 years, he funded 3 spin-off companies in the area of modeling, simulation, and decision-making, leading several industrial and technology transfer projects. Dr. Piera has published 6 books and more than 150 scientific papers and is co-author of 1 European Patent. He has participated in several international projects for industry and research projects funded by the European Commission, in the area of Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems and Air Traffic Management.

Dr. Sc. Bogusz Wiśnicki – since 1993 employed by the Maritime Academy in Szczecin, presently as the Assistant Professor at the Department of Maritime Economy and Transport Systems. In the years 2012-2016, he served as the Vice-Dean of the Transport Economics and Engineering Faculty. His career relates to the maritime industry, i.a. worked for the Polish and foreign shipowners and was employed in port companies. Since 2018 he has been employed as an external expert by the Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority. Bogusz Wiśnicki is the author of over 130 scientific publications, numerous scientific studies commissioned, and he made several foreign internships. His main research area is maritime and intermodal transport systems with emphasis on new technologies implementation. He actively participated in international research and development projects financed by European and Polish funds. He is an expert in the carriage of dangerous goods by inland waterway (ADN) and a legal expert in the field of containerisation systems.

Angel Orozco TurrubiatesAngel Orozco Turrubiates, a seasoned professional with 25 years of experience in aircraft and airport operations, currently serves as Security Program Manager at Mexico City International Airport (AICM). He oversees the development of corporate plans and programs in compliance with international regulations, focusing on civil aviation security, contingencies, and emergencies. His extensive expertise spans a range of projects including IATA Safety Audit Program (IOSA), Air Operator Certification, risk analysis, fleet planning, PBN Navigation, and regulatory improvement. Collaborating with leading organizations such as Transportes Aeromar, Mexicana de Aviación, and Aeromexico, Angel has earned certifications from FAA and ICAO. Holding a degree in Aeronautical Engineering and specialized training in Economic Sciences and Aerodrome Engineering, he is also a dedicated educator, teaching aviation-related subjects at Universidad Regional del Norte (URN).

Contralmirante CG DEM Alfonso Fabian González Belmonte.

Nació en la Ciudad de México el 10 de febrero de 1974. Se graduó como Ingeniero en Ciencias Navales en 1995 y alcanzó el grado de contralmirante el 20 de noviembre de 2023. Realizó especialidades en Meteorología Marítima y Mando Naval, así como una Maestría en Administración Naval. También completó cursos de inglés, buceo naval, francés y manejo de crisis marítimas.

Con más de 34 años de servicio en la Secretaría de Marina Armada de México (SEMAR), ha ocupado diversos cargos en unidades de superficie y en roles importantes, incluyendo Jefe de grupo de planes de adiestramiento y contingencia y Agregado Naval Adjunto en Washington, DC, EE.UU. Además, ha recibido múltiples condecoraciones y menciones honoríficas por su destacada labor.

Desde mayo de 2023, es el Coordinador General de Promoción de Inversiones del Corredor interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec (CIIT).

He was born in Mexico City on February 10, 1974. He graduated as a Naval Sciences Engineer in 1995 and reached the rank of Rear Admiral on November 20, 2023. He specialized in Maritime Meteorology and Naval Command, and obtained a Master’s degree in Naval Administration. He also completed courses in English, Naval Diving, French, and Maritime Crisis Management.

With over 34 years of service in the Mexican Navy, he has held various positions in surface units and important roles, including Head of training and contingency plans and Naval Attaché in Washington, DC, USA. Additionally, he has received multiple decorations and honorable mentions for his outstanding work.

Since May 2023, he has been the General Coordinator for Investment Promotion of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Interoceanic Corridor (CIIT).