Call for Posters
Track coordinator: Dr. Paolo Scala (FedEx Express Europe)
The poster session at EUROSIM 2023 will be a chance for students and young researchers to exhibit and discuss their ongoing or complete research work with experts in the field. PhD, Master and Bachelor students are encouraged to submit a 1-page abstract summarizing their work and eventually print and bring their posters to the confe
The poster session at EUROSIM 2023 will be a chance for students and young researchers to exhibit and discuss their ongoing or complete research work with experts of the field. PhD, Master and Bachelor students are encouraged to submit a 1-page abstract summarizing their work and eventually print and bring their posters to the conference.
During the planned poster sessions, novel simulation approaches and paradigms will be exhibited and discussed and presenters will actively engage with the EUROSIM 2023 participants. Submit a 1-page abstract to be presented in a poster format at the conference.
Important Dates
April 14, 2023: electronically submit a 1-page abstract in the Poster Session Track: LINK
April 28, 2023: Notification of acceptance to authors (including details about submitting slides, and formats of the posters)
May 12, 2023: Final extended abstracts and poster due
Poster Submission Instructions
Once clicked the submission link and accessed the Easychair platform, please click on “make a new submission”. Then, after having filled in the author’s personal details, title, abstract, and keywords, in the “Topics” section check the box “Poster session”, while in the section “Other information and files” check the box “Poster Abstract (1 page)”, finally upload your abstract.
Poster Preparation Guidelines
Please bring a standard A0 size poster (841 x 1189 mm or 33.1 x 46.8 mm) or smaller. The poster orientation should be done vertically/portrait. Your poster should cover the main points of your work and be as self-explanatory as possible.
Any questions please forward them to Dr. Paolo Scala (FedEx Express Europe)